ترجمة معاني سورة الإنفطار
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم - عادل صلاحي
In the Name of God, the Lord of Grace, the Ever-Merciful! When the sky is cleft asunder,
When the planets are scattered,
When the oceans are made to explode,
When the graves are hurled about,
every soul shall know its earlier actions and its later ones.
O man, what has lured you away from your gracious Lord,
Who created and moulded you and gave you upright form?
He can give you whatever shape He wills.
Shun it! But you deny the Last Judgement.
Yet there are guardians watching over you,
noble recorders,
who know all that you do.
Surely the righteous shall be in bliss,
while the wicked shall be in a blazing fire,
which they shall enter on the Day of Judgement;
nor shall they ever be absent from it.
Would that you knew what the Day of Judgement is!
Oh, would that you knew what the Day of Judgement is!
It is the Day when no soul can be of any help to any other soul; for on that Day all sovereignty is God’s alone.