ترجمة معاني سورة لقمان
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Abul Ala Maududi(With tafsir) - English translation
(31:1) Alif. Lam. Mim.
(31:2) These are the verses of the Wise Book,1
(31:3) a guidance and mercy for the doers of good,2
(31:4) who establish Prayer and pay Zakah, and have firm faith in the Hereafter.3
(31:5) It is they who are on true guidance from their Lord, and it is they
who shall prosper.4
who shall prosper.4
(31:6) There are some human beings5 who purchase an enchanting
diversion6 in order to lead people away from the way of Allah without
having any knowledge,7 who hold the call to the Way of Allah to ridicule.8
A humiliating chastisement awaits them.9
diversion6 in order to lead people away from the way of Allah without
having any knowledge,7 who hold the call to the Way of Allah to ridicule.8
A humiliating chastisement awaits them.9
(31:7) When Our verses are recited to such a person, he arrogantly turns
away, as though he had not heard them, or as though there was a deafness in
his ears. So announce to him the tidings of a grievous chastisement.
away, as though he had not heard them, or as though there was a deafness in
his ears. So announce to him the tidings of a grievous chastisement.
(31:8) Surely those who believe and do good deeds shall have Gardens of Bliss.
(31:9) They shall abide in them forever. This is Allah's promise that shall
come true. He is the Most Powerful, the Most Wise.1
come true. He is the Most Powerful, the Most Wise.1
(31:10) He2 created the heavens without any pillars visible to
you3 and He placed mountains in the earth as pegs lest it should
turn topsy turvy with you,4 and He dispersed all kinds of animals
over the earth, and sent down water from the sky causing all kinds of excellent
plants to grow on it.
you3 and He placed mountains in the earth as pegs lest it should
turn topsy turvy with you,4 and He dispersed all kinds of animals
over the earth, and sent down water from the sky causing all kinds of excellent
plants to grow on it.
(31:11) Such is Allah's creation. Show me, then, what any others, apart from
Allah, have created.5 Nay, the fact is that the wrong-doers are
in manifest error.6
Allah, have created.5 Nay, the fact is that the wrong-doers are
in manifest error.6
(31:12) We7 bestowed wisdom upon Luqman, (enjoining): “Give thanks
to Allah.”8 Whoso gives thanks to Allah, does so to his own good.
And whoso disbelieves (let him know that) Allah is All-Sufficient, Immensely
to Allah.”8 Whoso gives thanks to Allah, does so to his own good.
And whoso disbelieves (let him know that) Allah is All-Sufficient, Immensely
(31:13) And call to mind when Luqman said to his son while exhorting him:
“My son, do not associate others with Allah in His Divinity.0 Surely,
associating others with Allah in His Divinity is a mighty wrong.”1
“My son, do not associate others with Allah in His Divinity.0 Surely,
associating others with Allah in His Divinity is a mighty wrong.”1
(31:14) We2 enjoined upon man to be dutiful to his parents. His
mother bore him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning lasted two years.3
(We, therefore, enjoined upon him): “Give thanks to Me and to your parents.
To Me is your ultimate return.
mother bore him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning lasted two years.3
(We, therefore, enjoined upon him): “Give thanks to Me and to your parents.
To Me is your ultimate return.
(31:15) But if they press you to associate others with Me in My Divinity,
(to associate) those regarding whom you have no knowledge4 (that
they are My associates), do not obey them. And yet treat them well in this world,
and follow the way of him who turns to Me in devotion. Eventually it is to Me
that all of you shall return,5 and I shall then tell you all that
you did.”6
(to associate) those regarding whom you have no knowledge4 (that
they are My associates), do not obey them. And yet treat them well in this world,
and follow the way of him who turns to Me in devotion. Eventually it is to Me
that all of you shall return,5 and I shall then tell you all that
you did.”6
(31:16) (Luqman said):7 “Son, Allah will bring forth8
everything even if it be as small as the grain of a mustard seed even though
it be hidden inside a rock or (anywhere) in the heavens or earth. Allah is Most
Subtle, All-Aware.
everything even if it be as small as the grain of a mustard seed even though
it be hidden inside a rock or (anywhere) in the heavens or earth. Allah is Most
Subtle, All-Aware.
(31:17) Son, establish Prayer, enjoin all that is good and forbid all that
is evil, and endure with patience whatever affliction befalls you.9
Surely these have been emphatically enjoined.0
is evil, and endure with patience whatever affliction befalls you.9
Surely these have been emphatically enjoined.0
(31:18) Do not (contemptuously) turn your face away from people,1
nor tread haughtily upon earth. Allah does not love the arrogant and the vainglorious.2
nor tread haughtily upon earth. Allah does not love the arrogant and the vainglorious.2
(31:19) Be moderate in your stride3 and lower your voice. Verily
the most disgusting of all voices is the braying of the donkey.”4
the most disgusting of all voices is the braying of the donkey.”4
(31:20) Have you not seen that Allah has subjected to your service all that
is in the heavens5 and on the earth and has abundantly bestowed
upon you all His bounties, both visible and invisible?6 Yet some
persons dispute regarding Allah7 without having any knowledge or
guidance or any illuminating Book.8
is in the heavens5 and on the earth and has abundantly bestowed
upon you all His bounties, both visible and invisible?6 Yet some
persons dispute regarding Allah7 without having any knowledge or
guidance or any illuminating Book.8
(31:21) When they are told: “Follow what Allah has revealed,” they say: “We
will rather follow that which we have found our forefathers following.” (Will
they follow that) even though Satan might invite them to the chastisement of
the Blazing Fire?9
will rather follow that which we have found our forefathers following.” (Will
they follow that) even though Satan might invite them to the chastisement of
the Blazing Fire?9
(31:22) Whoever surrenders himself to Allah0 and lives righteously1
grasps the most firm handle.2 The ultimate decision of all matters
rests with Allah.
grasps the most firm handle.2 The ultimate decision of all matters
rests with Allah.
(31:23) So let the unbelief of the unbeliever not grieve you.3
To Us is their return and then We shall inform them of all that they did. Surely
Allah knows well even the secrets that are hidden in the breasts (of people).
To Us is their return and then We shall inform them of all that they did. Surely
Allah knows well even the secrets that are hidden in the breasts (of people).
(31:24) We allow them to enjoy themselves a while in the world and then We
shall drive them in utter helplessness to a harsh chastisement.
shall drive them in utter helplessness to a harsh chastisement.
(31:25) If you were to ask them: “Who created the heavens and the earth?”
they will certainly reply: “Allah.” Say: “All praise and thanks be to Allah.”4
Yet most of them do not know.5
they will certainly reply: “Allah.” Say: “All praise and thanks be to Allah.”4
Yet most of them do not know.5
(31:26) All that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah.6
Verily He is All-Sufficient, Immensely Praiseworthy.7
Verily He is All-Sufficient, Immensely Praiseworthy.7
(31:27) If all the trees on earth become pens, and the sea replenished by
seven more seas were to supply them with ink, the Words of Allah would not be
exhausted.8Verily Allah is Most Mighty, Most Wise.
seven more seas were to supply them with ink, the Words of Allah would not be
exhausted.8Verily Allah is Most Mighty, Most Wise.
(31:28) To create all of you or to resurrect all of you is to Him like (creating
or resurrecting) a single person. Verily Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.9
or resurrecting) a single person. Verily Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.9
(31:29) Do you not see that Allah makes the night phase into the day and
makes the day phase into the night and has subjected the sun and the moon0
to His will so that each of them is pursuing its course till an appointed time?
(Do you not know that)1 Allah is well aware of all that you do?
makes the day phase into the night and has subjected the sun and the moon0
to His will so that each of them is pursuing its course till an appointed time?
(Do you not know that)1 Allah is well aware of all that you do?
(31:30) All this is because Allah, He alone, is the Truth2 and
all that which they call upon beside Him is false.3 Surely Allah,
He alone, is All-High, Incomparably Great.4
all that which they call upon beside Him is false.3 Surely Allah,
He alone, is All-High, Incomparably Great.4
(31:31) Do you not see that ships sail in the sea by Allah's Grace that He
may show you some of His Signs?5 Surely there are Signs in this
for everyone who is steadfast, thankful.6
may show you some of His Signs?5 Surely there are Signs in this
for everyone who is steadfast, thankful.6
(31:32) When waves engulf them (in the sea) like canopies, they call upon
Allah, consecrating their faith solely to Him. But when He delivers them safely
to the land, some of them become lukewarm.7 None denies Our Signs
except the perfidious, the ungrateful.8
Allah, consecrating their faith solely to Him. But when He delivers them safely
to the land, some of them become lukewarm.7 None denies Our Signs
except the perfidious, the ungrateful.8
(31:33) O people, fear (the wrath) of your Lord, and dread the Day when no
father will stand for his child, nor any child stand for his father.9
Surely Allah's promise is true.0 So let the life of this world not
beguile you,1 nor let the Deluder delude you about Allah.2
father will stand for his child, nor any child stand for his father.9
Surely Allah's promise is true.0 So let the life of this world not
beguile you,1 nor let the Deluder delude you about Allah.2
(31:34) Surely Allah alone has the knowledge of the Hour. It is He Who sends
down the rain and knows what is in the wombs, although no person knows what
he will earn tomorrow, nor does he know in which land he will die. Indeed, Allah
is All-Knowing, All-Aware.3
down the rain and knows what is in the wombs, although no person knows what
he will earn tomorrow, nor does he know in which land he will die. Indeed, Allah
is All-Knowing, All-Aware.3