ترجمة معاني سورة الإنشقاق
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Abul Ala Maududi(With tafsir) - English translation
(84:1) When the sky is rent asunder
(84:2) and hearkens to the command1 of its Lord, doing what it
(84:3) and when the earth is stretched out2
(84:4) and casts out what is within it and is emptied,3
(84:5) and hearkens to the command of its Lord, doing what it should.4
(84:6) O man, you are striving unto your Lord5 and you will meet
(84:7) Whoever is given the Record in his right hand
(84:8) shall be called to an easy accounting,6
(84:9) and shall return to his people joyfully.7
(84:10) But he who is given the Record behind his back,8
(84:11) shall cry for “perdition,”
(84:12) and will enter the Blazing Fire.
(84:13) He used to live joyfully among his people,9
(84:14) thinking he would never revert (to Us).
(84:15) But no; (how would he not revert)? His Lord was ever watching him.0
(84:16) Nay; I swear by the twilight;
(84:17) and by the night and what it enfolds,
(84:18) and by the moon, when it reaches its fullness:
(84:19) you shall proceed onwards from stage to stage.1
(84:20) So, what is the matter with them that they do not believe,
(84:21) and when the Qur'an is recited to them, they do not prostrate2
(84:22) Instead, the unbelievers reject it, calling it a lie.
(84:23) Allah knows best what they are accumulating (in their Record).3
(84:24) So give them the good news of a painful chastisement,
(84:25) except for those who believe and do good deeds. Theirs shall be an
unending reward.
unending reward.