ترجمة معاني سورة الصافات
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Mufti Taqi Usmani - English translation
(I swear) by those who stand in rows,
then by those who prevent firmly,
then by those who recite the dhikr,
surely your God is but One,
the Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and Lord of the points of sunrise.
Verily, We have decorated the nearest sky with an adornment, the stars,
and (have made them) a security against every rebellious devil.
They cannot listen to the Upper Realm and are hit from every side
to be driven off, and for them there is a lasting punishment;
however, if one snatches a little bit, he is pursued by a bright flame.
Now ask them, “Are they stronger in the formation of their bodies, or those (other beings) that We have created?” Certainly, We did create them from sticky clay.
But you wonder (at their denial), and they mock (at the idea of an Hereafter).
And when any advice is given to them, they pay no heed to it.
And when they see a sign, they make fun of it,
and say, “This is nothing but an open magic.
Is it when we have died and become dust and bones, that we shall be raised again,
and even our fathers of aforetime?”
Say, “Yes, and you shall be disgraced (too)!”
So, it will be only a single castigating call, and all of a sudden they will begin to see.
And they will be saying, “Woe to us; this is the Day of Retribution.”
(It will be said to them,) “This is the Day of Judgment that you used to deny.”
(It will be said to the angels,) “Muster all those who were unjust, and their fellows, and whatever they used to worship
other than Allah, and show them the way to Jahannam ,
and stop them (for a while,) for they are to be asked some questions.”
(Then they will be asked, “What is wrong with you that you do not help each other?”
On the contrary, that day all of them will have totally surrendered.
And some of them (the followers of their chiefs) will turn to others (the chiefs), asking questions from one another.
They (the followers) will say, “You were the ones who used to come to (mislead) us forcefully.”
They (the chiefs) will say, “On the contrary, you yourselves were not believers.
We had no authority over you at all, but you yourselves were a transgressing people.
So, the word of our Lord has come true against us. Indeed, we have to taste (the punishment).
We did misguide you, (because) we were ourselves erroneous”.
So, that day, they will share each other in punishment.
This is how We deal with the criminals.
They were those to whom when it was said: “There is no god but Allah”, they waxed proud,
and used to say, “Are we really to leave our gods because of an insane poet?”
No, he has come with Truth and has confirmed all the messengers (of Allah).
Surely you have to taste the painful punishment,-
And you will be recompensed for nothing but for what you used to do-
unlike Allah’s chosen servants.
Those are the people for whom there is a known provision,
the fruits; and they will be honored
in Gardens of Bliss
facing each other on couches.
They will be served with a cup from a flowing drink,
(that will be) white (and) delicious for those who drink.
There will be no headache therein, nor will they be intoxicated with it,
and by their side there will be females restricting their gazes (to their husbands), having pretty big eyes,
as if they were eggs hidden (under feathers, protected from pollution).
Then they will turn to each other asking questions mutually.
A speaker from them will say, “I had a companion (in the worldly life)
who used to say (to me), “Are you one of those who believe?
Is it when we have died and become dust and bones? Is it true that we are going to be recompensed (for our deeds)?”
He (the speaker) will say (to other people in Paradise) “Would you like to have a look (at Jahannam to find out what happened to that companion of mine)?”
So he will look and will see him in the middle of Jahannam.
He (the speaker) will say (to his companion seen in Jahannam ), “By Allah, you were going almost to ruin me.
But for the favor of my Lord, I would have been among those produced for punishment.”
(Then the speaker will address other people of Paradise in delight and wonder, saying,) “Are we not then to die anymore
beyond our first death, nor are we going to be punished?”
This is, indeed, the great achievement.
For this kind (of achievement), all workers must work.
Is that (blissful Paradise) better for hospitality or the tree of zaqqūm ?
We have made it a test for the unjust.
It is a tree that comes forth in the bottom of Jahannam.
Its fruits are like the heads of devils.
So, they have to eat from it and have to fill their bellies with it.
Then they will have, on top of it, a mixture made of boiling water.
Then, their final return is to the Fire.
They found their fathers on the wrong path.
So, they used to run in their footsteps.
Most of the earlier ones (too) had gone astray before them.
We did send warners among them.
So look, how was the end of those warned -
except Allah’s chosen servants.
And NūH did call Us (for help after he was disappointed with his people), so (We accepted his prayer, as) We are the best to respond.
And We delivered him and his family from the great agony,
and made his progeny the sole survivors (from the Deluge).
And We left for him (a word of praise) among the later people, (that is):
Salām be on NūH among (the people of) all the worlds.
Certainly, this is how We reward those who are good in their deeds.
He was one of Our believing servants.
Then, we drowned others.
And certainly one of his adherents was Ibrāhīm.
(Remember) when he came to his Lord with a pure heart,
when he said to his father and his people, “What is that which you worship?
Do you wish (to have) fallacious gods other than Allah?
Then, what do you think about the Lord of the worlds?”
Then, he cast a look at the stars,
and then said, “I feel indisposed”
So they went away from him, turning their backs.
And he made his way to their ‘gods’ and said to them, “Why would you not eat?
What is wrong with you that you do not speak?”
Then he attacked them striking with his right hand.
Then, they (the idolaters) came to him rushing.
He said, “Do you worship what is carved by yourselves,
while Allah has created you and what you make?”
They said, “Build for him a structure, and throw him into the blazing fire.”
So, they intended to bring harm to him, but We made them the lowest (by frustrating their plan).
And he said, “I am going to my Lord. He will show me the way.
O my Lord, bless me with a righteous son.”
So, We gave him the good news of a forbearing boy.
Thereafter, when he (the boy) reached an age in which he could work with him, he (Ibrāhīm) said, “O my little son, I have seen in a dream that I am slaughtering you, so consider, what is your opinion?” He said, “O my dear father, do what you have been ordered to do. You will find me, inshā’allah , (if Allah wills) one of those who endure patiently.”
So, (it was a great episode) when both of them submitted themselves (to Allah’s will), and he laid him on his forehead (to slaughter him),
and then We called out to him, “O Ibrāhīm,
you did make the dream come true.” This is how We reward those who are good in their deeds.
This was indeed a trial that clearly demonstrated (their obedience).
And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice,
and We left for him (a word of praise) among the later people,
(that is,) “Salām be on Ibrāhīm!
This is how We reward those who are good in their deeds.
Surely, he is among Our believing servants.
And We gave him the good news of IsHāq (Isaac), a prophet from among the righteous.
And We did bless him, and IsHāq. And among the progeny of both of them, some are good and some are utterly unjust to their own selves.
Certainly We bestowed favors upon Mūsā and Hārūn,
and We delivered them and their people from the great agony,
and We helped them, so they became victors,
and We gave them the clear book,
and guided them to the straight path.
And We left for them (a word of praise) among the later people,
(that is,) Salām be on Mūsā and Hārūn!
This is how We reward those who are good in their deeds.
Surely, both of them were among Our believing servants.
And surely, Ilyās is one of the messengers.
(Remember) when he said to his people: “Do you not fear Allah?
Do you invoke Ba‘l, and ignore the Best of the creators,
that is, Allah who is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers?”
Then they rejected him. Therefore, they will be arraigned -
except Allah’s chosen servants.
And We left for him (a word of praise) among the later people,
(that is,) “Salām on Ilyāsīn (Ilyās).
This is how We reward those who are good in their deeds.
Surely, he was from among Our believing servants.
And surely, LūT is one of the messengers.
(Remember) when We saved him and his family, all of them,
except an old woman among those remaining behind.
After that, We destroyed others
and you do pass by them at daybreak
and by nightfall. Would you still not understand?
And surely, Yūnus (Jonah) is from among the messengers.
(Remember) when he ran away towards the boat that was already loaded.
Then he participated in drawing lots (to offload one of the passengers) and was the one who was defeated.
Then the fish swallowed him while he was reproaching his own self.
Had he not been of those who proclaim Allah’s purity,
he would have definitely lived in its belly till the day when the dead will be raised.
Then We cast him ashore in the open while he was ill,
and We caused a tree of ourds to grow over him.
And We had sent him (as messenger) to one hundred thousand, or more.
So, they believed, then, We let them enjoy for a time.
So ask them, “Does your Lord have daughters while they have sons?”
Or, had We created angels as females while they were witnessing?
Beware! They are the ones who, by way of a lie of theirs, (have the audacity to) say,
“Allah has children” - and they are absolute liars.
Is it that Allah has chosen daughters (for Himself) instead of sons?
What is the matter with you? How (arbitrarily) do you judge?
Then, is it that you do not think about it?
Or, is it that there is some open authority with you?
Then bring your book, if you are truthful.
And they have made up between Him (Allah) and the Jinns some kinship, while the Jinns already know that they are bound to be seized.-
-Pure is Allah from what they describe-
except Allah’s chosen servants.
So, you and those whom you worship,
none of you can make anyone turn away from Him (Allah),
except him who is to burn in Jahannam.
And (the angels say,) “There is no one among us who does not have a known station,
and We, surely We, are those who stand in rows
and We, surely We, are those who proclaim Allah’s purity.”
And they (the pagans) used to say,
“Had there been a scripture with us like that of the former people,
we would have certainly been Allah’s chosen servants.”
Then (once the divine book came to them,) they disbelieved in it. So, very soon they will come to know.
And Our Word has already come to pass in favor of Our servants, the messengers
(that) they are the ones who will be supported,
and verily it is Our army (of chosen servants) that prevails.
So, withdraw your attention from them for some time.
But, watch them. They shall soon see (the reality).
Are they asking for Our punishment to come sooner?
So, when it will descend in their courtyard, then, evil will be the morning of those warned.
So, withdraw your attention from them for some time,
and watch. They shall soon see (the reality).
Pure is your Lord, the Lord of all might and honor, from what they describe
and Salām be on the messengers
and praised is Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.