ترجمة معاني سورة المعارج
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Dr. Ghali - English translation
A questioner asked of a befalling torment.
For the disbelievers, for which there is no repelling,
From Allah, The Owner of the Stairways.
To Him the Angels and the Spirit ascend with difficulty to Him in a Day whereof the determined (length) is fifty thousand years.
So (endure) patiently with a becoming patience;
Surely they see it far off,
And We see it near.
On the Day when the heaven will be as molten metal,
And the mountains will be as wool-tufts,
And no intimate (friend) will ask (another) intimate friend,
(As) they are made to behold them (i.e., each other). The criminal would like that he might ransom himself of the torment upon that Day (even) by his seeds,
And his female companion and his brother,
And the nearest of his kin who gave him abode,
And whoever is in the earth all together, so that thereafter it might deliver him.
Not at all! Surely it is a fierce Blaze,
Constantly plucking forth the scalps,
Calling him who withdrew and turned away,
And (who) gathered (riches); (so he) prudently kept them.
Surely man was created most fretful.
When evil touches him, (he is) most impatient,
And when charity touches him, (he is) a constant preventer of it,
Except the ones who are (constantly) praying.
They are the ones who are permanently preserving their prayers;
And (they) are the ones in whose riches is a truthful (duty) known.
For the beggar and the dispossessed.
And the ones who sincerely (believe) in the Day of Doom,
And they are the ones who are timorous of the torment of their Lord.
Surely the torment of their Lord (leaves) none secure (Literally: other than to be secure).
And they are the ones who preserve their private parts,
Except with their spouses or what their right hands possess; then surely they are not blameworthy (Literally: other than being blameworthy).
Yet, whoever inequitably seeks (anything) beyond that, then those are the ones who are the aggressors-
And they (The thought continues from verse 29) are the ones who pay heed (i.e., rightly observe) to their deposits and their covenant,
And they are the ones who keep up their testimonies,
And they are the ones who (strictly) preserve their prayer.
Those will be in Gardens, high-honored.
So, for what (reason) are the ones who have disbelieved (hurrying with heads) protruding, facing you,
On the right and on the left in sundry batches?
Does every person of them long to be made to enter a Garden of Bliss?
Not at all! Surely We created them of what they know.
Yet no, I swear by The Lord of the easts and the wests; surely We are indeed (the) Determiners.
To exchange a more charitable (i.e., better) (people) instead of them, and in no way will We ever be outstripped.
So leave them out to wade (Or: be engrossed "in vain talk") and play until they meet the Day of theirs which they are promised.
The Day they will go out of the graves swiftly, as if they were rushing to a standard,
Submissive will be their be holdings (i.e., gazes).They will be oppressed by humbleness. That is the Day which they were promised.