ترجمة معاني سورة الدّخان
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Abdul Haleem - English translation
Ha Mim
By the Scripture that makes things clear,
truly We sent it down on a blessed night––We have always sent warnings––
a night when every matter of wisdom was made distinct
at Our command––We have always sent messages to man––
as a mercy [Prophet] from your Lord who sees and knows all,
Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything between––if only you people were firm believers––
there is no god but Him: He gives life and death––He is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers––
yet in [their state of] doubt they take nothing seriously.
[Prophet], watch out for the Day when the sky brings forth clouds of smoke for all to see.
It will envelop the people. They will cry, ‘This is a terrible torment!
Lord relieve us from this torment! We believe!’
How will this [sudden] faith benefit them? When a prophet came to warn them plainly,
they turned their backs on him, saying, ‘He is tutored! He is possessed!’
We shall hold the torment back for a while ––you are sure to return [to Us]––
and on the Day We seize [them] mightily We shall exact retribution.
We tested the people of Pharaoh before them: a noble messenger was sent to them,
saying, ‘Hand the servants of God over to me! I am a faithful messenger who has been sent to you.
Do not consider yourselves to be above God! I come to you with clear authority.
I seek refuge in my Lord and yours against your insults!
If you do not believe me, just let me be.’
[Moses] cried to his Lord, ‘These people are evildoers!’
[God replied], ‘Escape in the night with My servants, for you are sure to be pursued.
Leave the sea behind you parted and their army will be drowned.’
Many a garden and spring they left behind,
many a cornfield and noble building,
many a thing in which they had delighted:
We gave these to another people to inherit.
Neither heavens nor earth shed a tear for them, nor were they given any time.
We saved the Children of Israel from their degrading suffering
at the hands of Pharaoh: he was a tyrant who exceeded all bounds.
We chose them knowingly above others:
We gave them revelations in which there was a clear test.
These people here assert,
‘There is nothing beyond our one death: we will not be resurrected.
Bring back our forefathers, if what you say is true.’
Are they better than the people of Tubbaand those who flourished before them? We destroyed them all- they were guilty.
We were not playing a pointless game when We created the heavens and earth and everything in between;
We created them for a true purpose, but most people do not comprehend.
The Day of Decision is the time appointed for all;
a Day when no friend can take another’s place.
No one will receive any help except for those to whom God shows mercy: He is the Mighty, the Merciful Lord.
The tree of Zaqqum
will be food for the sinners:
[hot] as molten metal, it boils in their bellies
like seething water.
‘Take him! Thrust him into the depths of Hell!
Pour scalding water over his head as punishment!’
‘Taste this, you powerful, respected man!
This is what you doubted.’
But those mindful of God will be in a safe place
amid Gardens and springs,
clothed in silk and fine brocade, facing one another:
so it will be. We shall wed them to maidens with large, dark eyes.
Secure and contented, they will call for every kind of fruit.
After the one death they will taste death no more. God will guard them from the torment of Hell,
a bounty from your Lord. That is the supreme triumph.
We have made this Quran easy to understand- in your own language [Prophet]- so that they may take heed.
So wait; the disbelievers too are waiting.