ترجمة معاني سورة الدّخان
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Mufti Taqi Usmani - English translation
Hā Mīm.
By the manifest Book,
We have sent it down in a blessed night, (because) We had to warn (people).
In that (night), every wise matter is allocated
through a command from Us. We were to send the Messenger
as a mercy from your Lord, -Surely, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing-
the Lord of the heavens and the earth and of whatever there is between them, if you are to believe.
There is no god, but He. He gives life and brings death. He is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers.
But they, being in doubt, are playing around.
So, wait for a day when the sky will come up with a visible smoke
that will envelop people. This is a painful punishment.
(Then they will say,) “O our Lord, remove from us the punishment; we will truly believe.”
How will they take lesson, while there has already come to them a messenger making things clear?
Then they turned away from him, and said, “(He is) tutored, crazy.”
(Well,) We are going to remove the punishment for a while, (but) you will certainly go back (to your original position).
(Then,) the day We will seize (you) with the greatest seizure, We will take vengeance.
And We tested the people of Fir‘aun (Pharaoh) prior to them, and a noble messenger came to them
saying, “Deliver to me the servants of Allah. I am an honest messenger to you,”
and saying, “Do not be haughty against Allah. I bring to you a clear proof.
And I have sought refuge with my Lord and your Lord, lest you stone me to death.
And if you do not believe in me, then keep away from me.”
Then he prayed to his Lord saying, “These are a guilty people.”
(So, Allah answered his prayer saying,) “Now, take away my servants at night. You will certainly be chased,
and leave the sea in the state of stillness; they are an army that is sure to be drowned.”
How many gardens and fountains have they left behind-
- and how many fields and noble sites,
and how many a luxury they used to rejoice in!
This is how it happened. And We made other people inherit all this.
So, neither the sky and earth wept over them, nor were they given a respite.
And We delivered the children of Isrā’īl from the humiliating punishment,
from Fir‘aun. Indeed, he was haughty, one of the transgressors.
And We chose them, with knowledge, above all the worlds.
And We gave them the clear signs in which there was a manifest blessing.
These people say,
“There is nothing more than our first death, and we are not going to be resurrected.
So, (O believers,) bring our fathers, if you are true (in your belief in resurrection.)”
Are they better or the people of Tubba‘ and those who were before them? We have destroyed them. They were guilty indeed.
And We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them just as players.
We did not create them but with true purpose, but most of them do not know.
The Day of Decision is the appointed time for all of them-
the day when no close relation will be of any use to any close relation, nor will they be helped,
except the One on whom Allah has mercy. Of course, He is the All-Mighty, the Very-Merciful.
Indeed the tree of zaqqūm
is the food of the sinful,
like dregs of oil. It will boil in the bellies
like the boiling of hot water.
(It will be said to angels,) “Seize him, and drag him into the midst of the Hell.
Then pour on his head some torment of boiling water.”
“Have a taste! You are the ‘man of might’, the ‘man of honour’.
This is the thing about which you used to be skeptic.”
Indeed the God-fearing will be in a place free from fear,
in gardens and fountains.
They will be dressed in fine silk and thick silk, facing each other.
Thus (it will happen,) and We will marry them with houris having big dark eyes.
They will call therein for every fruit peacefully.
They will not taste death therein beyond the first death (they faced in the world). And He (Allah) will save them from the torment of Hell,
as a favour from your Lord. That is the great achievement.
So, We had made it (the Qur’ān) easy in your tongue, so that they may take lesson.
Now wait. They too are waiting.