ترجمة سورة الدّخان

ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم - عادل صلاحي
ترجمة معاني سورة الدّخان باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم - عادل صلاحي .

Ḥā. Mīm.
By the Book that makes things clear!
We have bestowed it from on high on a blessed night; for, indeed, We have always sent warnings.
On that night every matter of wisdom is made clear
by Our command; for, indeed, We have always sent messages [of guidance]
as a mercy from your Lord. He alone is the One who hears all and knows all;
the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, if only you were firm believers.
There is no deity other than Him; He gives life and deals death. He is your Lord and the Lord of your earliest ancestors.
Yet they remain in doubt, playing about.
Wait, then, for the Day when the skies shall bring forth a kind of smoke which will make things clear.
It will envelope the people. Painful is this suffering!
[They will cry]: ‘Our Lord! Relieve us from this suffering; for, indeed, we are believers’.
How will this remembrance benefit them? A messenger who clearly explained things had previously come to them;
but they turned their backs on him and said: ‘He is taught by others, a madman!’
We shall remove this suffering for a while; but you are bound to revert [to your old ways].
On that Day We shall deliver a mighty onslaught; We will indeed exact retribution.
We did, before their time, try Pharaoh’s people: there came to them a noble messenger,
who said to them: ‘Give in to me, you servants of God! For, I am indeed a messenger sent to you, worthy of trust!
Do not exalt yourselves against God; for, indeed, I come to you with manifest authority.
I seek refuge with my Lord and your Lord lest you hurl stones at me.
If you do not believe me, stand away from me’.
He, then called out to his Lord, saying: ‘These people are lost in sin’.
And [God said]: ‘Set forth with My servants by night, for you will surely be pursued;
and leave the sea calm behind you; for their host are destined to be drowned’.
How many gardens did they leave behind, and how many fountains,
and fields of grain, and noble dwellings,
and good things in which they used to delight!
Thus it was. And We made other people inherit it all.
Neither heaven nor earth shed tears over them, nor were they allowed a respite.
We saved the Children of Israel from humiliating suffering,
from Pharaoh, who was arrogant and a transgressor.
We chose them knowingly above all other people.
And We gave them signs in which there was a clear test.
Now these people assert:
‘We shall die but one death, and we shall not be raised to life again.
Bring back our forefathers, if what you claim be true’.
Are they better than the people of TubbaꜤ and those before them, whom We destroyed because they were lost in sin?
We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them in mere idle play.
We created them all for nothing other than a true purpose, but most of them do not understand.
The Day of Decision is the time appointed for all of them.
It is a day when no friend shall be of the least avail to his friend, and when none shall receive support
except those upon whom God will have bestowed His grace and mercy. He alone is the Almighty, the Ever-Merciful.
The fruit of the Zaqqum tree
will be the food of the sinful;
like molten lead will it boil in the belly,
like the boiling of scalding water.
‘Take him, and drag him into the midst of the blazing Fire;
then pour over his head the suffering of scalding water!
Taste this, you powerful and honourable man!
This is the very thing you surely doubted’.
The God-fearing will certainly be in a safe position,
amid gardens and fountains,
wearing garments of silk and brocade, facing one another.
Thus shall it be. And We shall pair them with pure companions with most beautiful eyes.
There they can call for every kind of fruit, enjoying peace and security.
They shall not taste death there, having had their one death. He will have preserved them from suffering through the blazing Fire,
an act of your Lord’s favour. That is the supreme triumph.
We have made this Qur’an easy to understand, in your own language, so that they may take heed.
Wait, then; they too are waiting.