ترجمة معاني سورة الذاريات
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Mufti Taqi Usmani - English translation
By those (winds) that scatter dust,
then those that bear load (of clouds),
then those that float with ease,
then those who distribute things,
whatever you are being promised is surely true,
and Recompense (of deeds) is sure to happen.
By the sky, having paths,
you are (involved) in a contradictory discussion.
Turned away from this (Qur’ān) is the one who is turned away (totally from the truth.)
Death upon those who make conjectures (against the true faith),
- those who are drowned in ignorance, forgetful!
They ask, “When shall be the Day of Recompense?”
(It will be) the Day when they will be heated on the Fire,
(and it will be said to them,) “Taste (the punishment of) your mischief. This is what you have been asking to be brought sooner.”
The God-fearing (on the other hand) will be in gardens and springs,
receiving what their Lord will have given to them. Indeed, prior to this, they were good in their deeds.
They used to sleep little in the night;
and in the hours before dawn they used to pray for forgiveness,
and in their wealth, there was a right for one who asks and for one who is deprived.
In the earth, there are signs for those who (seek truth to) believe,
and in your own selves! So, do you not perceive?
And in the heavens, there is your sustenance and all that you have been promised.
So, by the Lord of the heavens and the earth, it (the Day of Recompense) is a reality, as sure as the fact that you (can) speak.
Has there come to you the story of the honoured guests of Ibrāhīm?
When they (the angels in human form) entered unto him and said, “We greet you with Salām.” He said, “Salām on you.” (And he said to himself,) “(They are) unknown people.”
Then he slipped off to his home and fetched a fattened calf.
So he presented it before them (to eat, but being angels, they refrained.) He said, “Would you not eat?”
So he felt some fear in his heart. They said, “Be not scared.” And they gave him the good news of (the birth of) a knowledgeable boy.
So his wife came forward with a clamor, and slapped her own face and said, “(How can I have a child when I am) a barren old woman?”
They said, “This is how your Lord has said. Surely, He is All-Wise, All-Knowing.”
He (Ibrāhīm) said (to the angels), “Then, what is your mission O messengers?”
They said, “We are sent to a guilty people, (i.e. the people of Sodom)
so that we may send down upon them stones of clay,
marked by your Lord for the transgressors.”
So, We let the believers who were there to come out (from danger),
but We did not find in it any Muslims, except one house.
And We left in this (event) a sign (of deterrence) for those who fear the painful punishment.
And (We left a similar sign) in (the story of) Mūsā, when We sent him to Fir‘aun (Pharaoh) with a clear proof.
So he turned away along with his chiefs and said, “ (Mūsā is) a magician or a madman!”
So We seized him and his army, and cast them into the sea, as he was of culpable behaviour.
And (a similar sign was left) in (the story of) ‘Ād, when We sent upon them the wind that was barren (from any benefit);
it spared nothing it came upon, but rendered it like a stuff smashed by decay.
And (a similar sign was left) in (the story of) Thamūd, when it was said to them, “Enjoy yourselves for a while.”
Then they rebelled against the command of your Lord; so the thunderbolt (of divine punishment) seized them, while they were looking on.
Then they were neither able to stand (before the punishment), nor could they defend themselves.
And (We have destroyed) the people of NūH even before; indeed they were a sinful people.
And the sky was built by Us with might; and indeed We are the expanders.
And the earth was spread out by Us as a floor; so how well have We spread it out!
And from every thing We have created pairs of twos, so that you may heed.
So, flee to Allah. Indeed I am a plain warner sent by Him for you.
And do not make up any other god along with Allah. Indeed I am a plain warner sent by Him for you.
In similar way, no messenger came to those before them, but they said, “(He is) a magician or a madman.”
Have they handed down (this saying) to each other as a legacy? Rather they are a rebellious people.
So, turn away from them, for you are not blamed.
And keep reminding, because reminding benefits the believers.
I did not create the Jinns and the human beings except for the purpose that they should worship Me.
I do not want any sustenance from them, nor do I want them to feed Me.
In fact, Allah is the All-Sustainer, Possessor of power, the Strong.
So, those who did wrong will have their turn like the turn of their counterparts. So, they should not ask Me to hasten on.
Woe, then, to those who disbelieve because of the Day of theirs that they are promised (for punishment).