ترجمة معاني سورة القلم
باللغة الإنجليزية من كتاب Abul Ala Maududi(With tafsir) - English translation
(68:1) Nun. By the pen and what the scribes write.1
(68:2) By your Lord's Grace, you are not afflicted with madness,2
(68:3) and surely yours shall be a never-ending reward,3
(68:4) and you are certainly on the most exalted standard of moral excellence.4
(68:5) So you will soon see, and they too will see,
(68:6) which of you is afflicted with madness.
(68:7) Surely your Lord knows well those who have strayed from His Way just
as He knows well those who are on the Right Way.
as He knows well those who are on the Right Way.
(68:8) Do not, then, yield to those who reject the Truth, decrying it as
(68:9) they would wish you to be pliant so that they too may be pliant.5
(68:10) And do not yield to any contemptible swearer,6
(68:11) the fault-finder who goes around slandering,
(68:12) the hinderer of good,7 the transgressor, the sinful;8
(68:13) the coarse-grained, and above all mean and ignoble;9
(68:14) (who so acts) simply because he has wealth and sons,0
(68:15) and whenever Our verses are rehearsed to him, he says: “These are
fairy- tales of times gone by.”
fairy- tales of times gone by.”
(68:16) Soon shall We brand him on his snout.1
(68:17) We have put them [i.e., the Makkans] to test even as We put to test
the owners of the orchard2 when they vowed that they would gather
the fruit of their orchard in the morning,
the owners of the orchard2 when they vowed that they would gather
the fruit of their orchard in the morning,
(68:18) without making any allowance (for the will of Allah).3
(68:19) Thereupon a calamity from your Lord passed over it while they were
(68:20) and so by morning the orchard lay as though it had been fully harvested.
(68:21) At daybreak they called out to one another:
(68:22) “Hurry to your orchard4 if you would gather its fruit.”
(68:23) So off they went, whispering to one another:
(68:24) “No destitute person shall enter it today.”
(68:25) They went forth early, believing that they had the power (to gather
the fruit).5
the fruit).5
(68:26) But as soon as they beheld the orchard, (they cried out): “We have
certainly lost the way;
certainly lost the way;
(68:27) rather, we are utterly ruined.”6
(68:28) The best among them said: “Did I not say to you: why do you not give
glory to (your Lord)?”7
glory to (your Lord)?”7
(68:29) They cried out: “Glory be to our Lord! Certainly we were sinners.”
(68:30) Then they began to reproach one another.8
(68:31) They said: “Woe to us! We had indeed transgressed.
(68:32) Maybe our Lord will give us a better orchard in its place; to our
Lord do we penitently turn.”
Lord do we penitently turn.”
(68:33) Such is the chastisement; and the chastisement of the Hereafter is
assuredly even greater, if only they knew.
assuredly even greater, if only they knew.
(68:34) Surely9 the God-fearing shall have Gardens of bliss with
their Lord.
their Lord.
(68:35) What! Shall We treat those who have submitted (to Our command) like
those who have acted as criminals?
those who have acted as criminals?
(68:36) What is the matter with you? How ill do you judge!0
(68:37) Or do you have a Book1 wherein you read
(68:38) that (in the Hereafter) you shall have all that you choose for yourselves?
(68:39) Or have We sworn a covenant with you which We are bound to keep till
the Day of Resurrection, (a covenant requiring that whatever you ordain for
yourselves shall be yours)?
the Day of Resurrection, (a covenant requiring that whatever you ordain for
yourselves shall be yours)?
(68:40) Ask them: “Which of them can guarantee that?2
(68:41) Or has something been guaranteed by any of those whom they associate
with Allah in His Divinity?” If so, let them bring forth their associates, if
they are truthful.3
with Allah in His Divinity?” If so, let them bring forth their associates, if
they are truthful.3
(68:42) On the Day when the dreadful calamity will unfold,4 when
people will be summoned to prostrate themselves, and yet they will not be able
to prostrate.
people will be summoned to prostrate themselves, and yet they will not be able
to prostrate.
(68:43) Their eyes shall be downcast and ignominy shall overwhelm them. For
when they were safe and sound, they were summoned to prostrate themselves, (and
they refused).5
when they were safe and sound, they were summoned to prostrate themselves, (and
they refused).5
(68:44) So leave Me, (O Prophet), to deal with him who gives the lie to this
Discourse.6 We shall draw them little by little (to their undoing)
in a way that they will not know.7
Discourse.6 We shall draw them little by little (to their undoing)
in a way that they will not know.7
(68:45) I am giving them a respite. Great is My scheme!8
(68:46) Or are you asking them for some compensation so that they feel burdened
with debt?9
with debt?9
(68:47) Or do they have any knowledge of the Unseen which they are now writing
(68:48) So bear with patience until the Judgement of your Lord1
comes, and do not belike the man in the fish (i.e., Jonah)2 who
called out, choking with grief:3
comes, and do not belike the man in the fish (i.e., Jonah)2 who
called out, choking with grief:3
(68:49) had his Lord not bestowed His favour upon him, he would have been
cast upon that barren shore (and would have remained there) in disgrace.4
cast upon that barren shore (and would have remained there) in disgrace.4
(68:50) But his Lord exalted him, and included him among His righteous servants.
(68:51) When the unbelievers hear this Exhortation, they look at you as though
they would knock you off your feet with their (hostile) glances.5
They say: “Surely he is afflicted with madness”;
they would knock you off your feet with their (hostile) glances.5
They say: “Surely he is afflicted with madness”;
(68:52) although this is nothing but an Exhortation (to goodness) for everyone
in the world.
in the world.